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c-0.5,0.1-1,0.3-1.5,0.1c-1.7,1.2-3.7,2-5.6,2.7c-1.5,1.1-3.3,1.7-4.7,3.1c-1.1,1.1-2.3,2.2-3.7,3c-1.1,1.8-2.9,3-4,4.8 c-0.2,0.3-0.5,0.6-0.7,1c-1.6,3.2-3,6.4-4.1,9.8c-0.2,1.2-0.4,2.4-0.6,3.6c0,0.7,0.1,1.4-0.1,2.1c0.3,0.7-0.3,1.4-0.3,2.1 c0,0.3,0,0.7-0.1,1c0.5,6.5,1.6,12.8,3.7,19c0.6,0.4,0.4,1.1,0.6,1.6c0.4,0.2,0.4,0.7,0.5,1c2.3,4.2,4.2,8.6,6.9,12.5 c0.9,1.3,1.8,2.7,2.6,4.1c0.4,0.7,0.4,1.2-0.5,1.6c-2.6,1.2-5.2,2.4-8.1,3c-0.7,0.3-1.4,0.6-2.1,0.9c-1.2,0.4-2.3,1-3.6,1.1 c-1.7,0.7-3.4,1.1-5.2,1.5c-3.8,0.9-7.4,2.1-11.4,2.3c-2.2,0.7-4.5,1-6.8,1c-2,0.8-4.1,0.3-6.2,0.6c-1.9,0.7-3.8,0.3-5.7,0.4 c-1.7,0-3.4,0-5.2,0c-0.7,0-1.4,0-2.1,0c-2.1,0-4.1,0-6.2,0c-0.8,0-1.5,0.3-2.2-0.3c-0.1,0-0.3,0-0.4,0c-0.7,0-1.4-0.1-2.1-0.1 c-0.5,0-1,0-1.5-0.1c-1.1,0-2.2,0.4-3.2-0.4c-0.7,0-1.4-0.1-2-0.1c-0.9-0.1-1.8,0.4-2.6-0.4c-1.9-0.1-3.8-0.1-5.7-0.7 c-4.2-0.4-8.3-1-12.4-2c-2.6-0.3-5.3-0.6-7.8-1.5c-0.6,0-1.2,0.2-1.6-0.4c-0.9-0.3-1.9,0.2-2.7-0.6l-0.2,0l-0.2,0 c-3.5-0.3-6.8-1.3-10.2-2.1c-6.6-1.5-13.2-3.1-19.7-4.7c-0.2-0.1-0.4-0.2-0.7-0.3c-6.4-1.2-12.8-2.7-19.1-4.4 c-0.9,0-1.8-0.3-2.6-0.7c-4.5-0.6-8.8-1.9-13.3-2.9c-6.1-1.3-12.1-2.7-18.2-4.1c-0.2-0.1-0.4-0.3-0.6-0.4c-0.6-0.1-1.2,0.1-1.6-0.4 c-0.5-0.1-1-0.1-1.5-0.2c-4.3-0.9-8.6-1.9-13-2.8c-7.7-1.7-15.5-3.3-23.2-5c-6-1.3-11.9-2.6-17.9-3.9c-0.6-0.1-1.2-0.2-1.8-0.3 c-1-0.2-2.1-0.3-3.1-0.5c-3.2-0.7-6.4-1.3-9.6-2c-1.5-0.3-3-0.3-4.4-1c-3.2-0.5-6.5-0.7-9.5-1.9c-0.6,0-1.2,0-1.8-0.1 c0,4.5,0,8.9,0,13.4c0.3,0,0.5,0,0.8,0.1c17.8,4.1,35.7,8.2,53.5,12.4c22.2,5.2,44.2,10.8,66.3,16.4c18.7,4.7,37.2,9.9,56,13.9 c13.4,2.8,26.9,5.1,40.6,5.8c11.5,0.6,23.1,0.3,34.5-1.5c13.2-2.1,26-5.9,38.1-11.5c2.4-1.1,2.5-1.1,4.4,0.7 c7.8,7.4,16.6,13.4,26.3,18.1c18.8,9,38.8,12.6,59.5,13.4c8.2,0.3,16.4,0.2,24.5-0.4c5-0.3,10-0.7,14.9-1.3 c7.9-0.9,15.9-2.1,23.7-3.4c11.5-2,23-4.3,34.3-7c24.7-6,48.8-14.1,72.6-23.2c21.8-8.4,43.3-17.5,64.9-26.5 c18.5-7.7,37-15.3,55.8-22.2c23.3-8.5,46.9-15.7,71.1-21.1c11-2.5,22-4.6,33.1-6.5c7.7-1.3,15.5-2.4,23.2-3.3 c5.5-0.6,10.9-1.3,16.4-1.9c0-5,0-10,0.1-15.1C806,27.5,804,27.4,802,27.9z M293.1,99.4c-1.7,1.4-2,1.4-3.2-0.4 c-1.1-1.7-2.5-3.2-3.2-5.2c-3.1-4.2-5.2-8.9-6.7-14c-0.6-2.2-1.3-4.4-1-6.8c0-1.8-0.4-3.5,0.4-5.3c0.9-3.9,3.1-6.7,6.8-8.3 c1.6-1.5,3.7-1.9,5.6-2.2c3.7-0.7,7.3-0.4,10.7,1.7c2,1.3,3.2,3,4,5.2c3.1,9.2,1.8,17.7-3.9,25.5C299.8,93.4,296.6,96.5,293.1,99.4 z"/> </g> </svg>

Terms and Conditions

North Devon Hospice Lottery is a member of the Lotteries Council and the Hospice Lotteries Association. All three organisations are committed to using lotteries to fundraise responsibly and work together to encourage responsible gambling and access to support if needed.

North Devon Hospice Lottery Club is licensed and regulated in Great Britain by the Gambling Commission under account number 5039 and promoted by North Devon Hospice. North Devon Hospice is a company limited by guarantee (No. 1696150) and registered charity (No.286554). Terms and conditions apply to the North Devon Hospice Lottery. North Devon Hospice Lottery wishes to conduct its lottery in a fair and socially responsible way.

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1. Entry

Participation in the North Devon Hospice Lottery costs £1 per entry per week. A random 6-digit number is allocated to each membership, and this will remain the same during participation. North Devon Hospice Lottery will confirm receipt of membership application. The prizes are open to players in England, Scotland, and Wales.

2. Number of Entries Allowed

Participation in any draw is subject to a registered minimum credit of £1 and a maximum of £20.

3. Entry Address

Entrants can submit their entry or contact us via post; North Devon Hospice Lottery, Deer Park, Newport, Barnstaple, EX32 0HU, or by calling 01271 347217.

4. Closing Time and Date

Midday Thursday prior to each draw which takes place every Friday, except for where a Friday falls on a Bank Holiday, in which case the draw will take place on the next most convenient day.

5. Prizes

There will be one weekly prize of £1,000.

6. Entry Restrictions

Entrants must be 18 years of age or older. North Devon Hospice Lottery Club reserves the right to cancel a membership where no draw has been entered into for 6 or more consecutive weeks. The promoter takes no responsibility if your membership is cancelled in error.

7. Independence of the Draw

The draw is independently run by our External Lottery Manager (ELM), Sterling Management Centre Limited, who are licensed and regulated in Great Britain by the Gambling Commission under account number 3137. Sterling run the draws using a Random Number Generator that has been certified by a test house that is approved by the Gambling Commission.

8. Winner Notifications

Winner’s cheques will automatically be sent out in the post within 5 working days to the name(s) and address of the registered owner of the winning numbers.

9. Publicity and Winners Details

A list of winning numbers will be made available from the hospice at Deer Park and in the hospice charity shops throughout North Devon. The list of the winning numbers will also be listed in the local press and the hospice website. Full names will not be used without permission.

10. Promoters Name and Address

The Responsible Person is Ms. Samantha Husband. The registered address is North Devon Hospice, Deer Park, Newport, Barnstaple, EX32 0HU. The telephone number is 01271 344248 and registered charity number 286554. North Devon Hospice Lottery Club holds non-remote society lottery licence number 005039- N-308878-010 and ancillary remote Licence Number 005039-A-313751-005.

11. Disclaimers

  • a: All entries will be added to the North Devon Hospice database unless the member opts out.
  • b: North Devon Hospice Lottery Club cannot accept responsibility for applications or payment lost or delayed in the post.
  • c: North Devon Hospice Lottery Club reserves the right to alter the prize structure at any time by giving 3 months’ notice.
  • d: Cancellation of the member’s payment is the player’s responsibility. Standing order payments have to be stopped via your bank account. Any credit payment received after a member has notified the North Devon Hospice Lottery office will be refunded on request.
  • e: The North Devon Hospice Lottery reserves the right to stop the Lottery by giving all registered members one months’ notice.

12. Retention of Terms and Conditions

The Lottery office terms and conditions are available upon request by calling North Devon Hospice Lottery on 01271 347217 or visiting our lottery website (playnorthdevon.org.uk).

If printed, this is no longer a controlled document.

13. Data Protection

North Devon Hospice will only process the personal data you have provided to administer the draw. Opting out of receiving more information will mean your details will not be used in communication from the North Devon Hospice database including fundraising events.

14. Specific Issues

If you are an employee who has been notified of this lottery by your employer, it is likely that North Devon Hospice Lottery Club is working in partnership with your organisation. There are no tax issues linked to this lottery.

15. Members Data

All participants in the draw are responsible for providing North Devon Hospice Lottery Club with up to date contact details. North Devon Hospice Lottery Club will not be liable for any loss incurred by the entrant caused by the failure of the entrant to inform us of any changes or errors to their details.

16. Responsible gambling

Responsible gambling means staying in control of how much time and money we can reasonably afford on gambling activities keeping in mind all our other responsibilities in life. To speak to someone about a gambling problem contact the Gamble Aware on 0808 8020133 or visit their website www.gambleaware.co.uk for further details.

If at any point you believe you may not be in control of your gambling, you can inform the Lottery Club and self-exclude from any further payments being taken. Your name will be noted on our secure database and this will help us to support you.

17. Online Vouchers

Online Vouchers can only be purchased using a Debit Card (no Credit cards will be accepted).

The purchaser explicitly agrees to provide their personal debit card details to complete the purchase of an Online Voucher.

Purchasers of Online Vouchers will be required to select the number of lottery entries to purchase and the number of draws into which the lottery entries will be entered at the time of purchase.

Online Vouchers have a validity period of 12 months from date of purchase; if not redeemed within 12 months, the Online Voucher will be gratefully accepted as a donation to the North Devon Hospice.

The validity of Online Vouchers may not be extended.

No cash alternatives or refunds will be granted for Online Voucher purchases.

Online Vouchers are issued in the form of system-generated alpha-numeric codes displayed on screen with an option to print and/or email to the purchaser or receiver of the Online Voucher.

Online Vouchers can only be redeemed through North Devon Hospice Lottery webpage.

Self-excluded individuals are not permitted to redeem online voucher codes.

To redeem an Online Voucher, you will be required to provide your personal information including your date of birth, name & surname, email address, telephone number(s), and address including postcode.

By redeeming an Online Voucher, a player agrees to receive communications regarding their lottery entry/entries.

By redeeming an Online Voucher, you agree to be bound by these Lottery Terms and Conditions as amended from time to time.

18. Complaints

In the event that a customer has encountered a problem or has a concern to raise in respect of the lottery, then the charity advises the customer to contact the office on 01271 344248 or by post to:

  • Lottery Administration North Devon Hospice Lottery Deer Park Newport Barnstaple EX32 0HU

Complaints Stage 1: Telephone

North Devon Hospice Lottery will ensure all complaints are recorded and documented. At the point of which a complaint is received we will take the following information:

  • Your name
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Postal address
  • The date, nature and a brief outline of the complaint.

The complaint receiver will explain that your complaint or concerns will be passed onto the responsible person or other suitably appointed person, for their urgent attention and that they will contact you personally to investigate the complaint or dispute.

Contact will normally be made within 48 working hours. The charity will take time to listen to you and take a more detailed description of the complaint or dispute. We will attempt to deal with your problem or concern over the telephone where possible. If this is not possible, the responsible person or other suitable appointed will explain to you what investigations and actions will take place relating to their concerns and that we will formally respond to you with the outcome and actions taken within 10 working days of the problem or concern being raised.

You will be asked if you are happy with what is suggested and also that you understand the procedure. If necessary, the responsible person or other suitably appointed person will assure you that your personal details will not be revealed. Revealing your details is sometimes necessary if a complaint is received about a member of the canvassing or fundraising teams.

Once the responsible person or other suitable appointed has established the facts concerning the complaint or dispute, you will be contacted and informed of the results of the enquiry and what actions have been taken.

All complaints are logged on the complaints log sheet, detailing the individual’s contact details, details of the administrator that has dealt with the complaint, the nature of the complaint and what steps were taken to resolve the complaint.

Complaint Stage 1: Written

Written complaints should include the following information:

  • Nature of the complaint
  • Date that the incident happened
  • People you have previously contacted
  • What you would like us to do to put things right.

We will issue a written acknowledgement of the complaint within 48 hours of receipt. All details will be entered onto our internal complaints log at this point.

From the date of acknowledgement, we will aim to complete our enquiries and resolve the complaint to your satisfaction within 10 working days. During this time, we will complete our investigations and respond formally in writing to you, giving details of the outcomes to our investigation.

All complaints are logged on the complaints log sheet, detailing the individual’s contact details, details of the administrator that has dealt with the complaint, the nature of the complaint and what steps were taken to resolve the complaint.

Complaints Stage 2: Written

If after Stage 1 you feel that our outcomes and resolutions have not reasonably met your expectations, we request that you put your complaint in writing to:

  • The Lottery Manager North Devon Hospice Lottery Deer Park Newport Barnstaple EX32 0HU

We will acknowledge receipt within 48 hours and log all details onto the complaints log. The complaint and outcomes will then be further reviewed and a formal response will be made in writing within 10 working days of acknowledgement.

Complaints Stage 3: Written

If after Stage 2 you still feel that our outcomes and resolutions have not reasonably met your expectations, we request that you forward your complaint in writing to:

  • The Chief Executive North Devon Hospice Deer Park Newport Barnstaple EX32 0HU

We will acknowledge receipt within 5 working days and log all details onto the complaints log. The complaint and outcomes will then be further reviewed and a formal response will be made in writing within 10 working days of acknowledgement.

Complaints Stage 4: Written

If after Stage 3 you feel that our outcomes and resolutions have still not reasonably met your expectations, we request that you forward your complaint in writing to:

  • The Board of Trustees North Devon Hospice Deer Park Newport Barnstaple EX32 0HU

We will acknowledge receipt within 5 working days and log all details onto the complaints log. The complaint and outcomes will then be further reviewed and a final formal response will be made in writing within 28 working days of acknowledgement.

Complaints Stage 5: Written

In the event that after Stage 4 a written complaint cannot be resolved by the lottery team or representatives of North Devon Hospice; North Devon Hospice will provide free third party arbitration via IBAS.

  • Independent Betting and Adjudication Service PO Box 62639 London EC3P 3AS Telephone: 020 7347 5883 Fax: 202 7347 5882 Email: adjudication@ibas-uk.co.uk

A copy of this complaints procedure is available to all customers on request. Any complaints or disputes that are not resolved by this complaints procedure are referred to the Independent Betting and Adjudication Service. The complaints log sheets and written complaints will be kept on file for 3 years.

Pre-paid customer funds are held in a separate, non-trading bank account. This is rated as ‘Not protected - Segregation of customer funds’ under the Gambling Commission’s rating system.

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